
sorry for not replying earlier and thanks for all your feedback. After
some more discussions I updated the KIP. The new proposal puts some
other design considerations into account, that I want to highlight
shortly. Those considerations, automatically resolve the concerns raised.

First some answers:

> The PAPI processors I use in my KStreams app are all functioning on KTable
> internals.  I wouldn't be able to convert them to process()/transform().
> What's the harm in permitting both APIs to be used in the same application?

It's not about "harm" but about design. We want to switch from a
"inheritance" to a "composition" pattern.

About the interface idea: using a shared interface would not help to get
a composition pattern

Next I want to give the design considerations leading to the updated KIP:

1) Using KStreamBuilder in the constructor of KafkaStreams is unnatural.
KafkaStreams client executes a `Topology` and this execution should be
independent of the way the topology is "put together", ie, low-level API
or DSL.

2) Thus, we don't want to have any changes to KafkaStreams class.

3) Thus, KStreamBuilder needs to have a method `build()` that returns a
`Topology` that can be passed into KafakStreams.

4) Because `KStreamBuilder` should build a `Topology` I suggest to
rename the new class to `StreamsTopologyBuilder` (the name
TopologyBuilder would actually be more natural, but would be easily
confused with old low-level API TopologyBuilder).

Thus, PAPI and DSL can be mixed-and-matched with full power, as
StreamsTopologyBuilder return the created Topology via #build().

I also removed `final` for both builder classes.

With regard to the larger scope of the overal API redesign, I also want
to point to a summary of API issues:

Thus, this KIP is only one building block of a larger improvement
effort, and we hope to get as much as possible done for 0.11. If you
have any API improvement ideas, please share them so we can come up with
an holistic sound design (instead of uncoordinated local improvements
that might diverge)

Looking forward to your feedback on this KIP and the other API issues.


On 2/15/17 7:36 PM, Mathieu Fenniak wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io>
> wrote:
>> - We also removed method #topologyBuilder() from KStreamBuilder because
>> we think #transform() should provide all functionality you need to
>> mix-an-match Processor API and DSL. If there is any further concern
>> about this, please let us know.
> Hi Matthias,
> Yes, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I still have a lot of concerns
> about this.  You're correct to point out that transform() can be used for
> some of the output situations I pointed out; albeit it seems somewhat
> awkward to do so in a "transform" method; what do you do with the retval?
> The PAPI processors I use in my KStreams app are all functioning on KTable
> internals.  I wouldn't be able to convert them to process()/transform().
> What's the harm in permitting both APIs to be used in the same application?
> Mathieu

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