If the only replicas for that topic partition exist on brokers 15 and 24 and 
they are both down, then you cannot recover the partition until either of them 
is replaced or repaired and rejoins the cluster. You may need to enable unclean 
leader election, as well.

As you’ve discovered, adding replicas to an offline partition partition doesn’t 
work. A topic/partition needs to be in a healthy state for that to work.

Is your goal just to have no offline partitions or to recover the data 
contained in the affected partition? Producers and consumers should still be 
able to access the topic in its current state.


> On Nov 11, 2019, at 11:34 PM, SenthilKumar K <senthilec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Experts, We have seen a problem with partition leader i.e it's set to -1.
> describe o/p:
> Topic: 1453 Partition: 47 Leader: -1 Replicas: 24,15 Isr: 24
> Kafka Version: 2.2.0
> Replication:  2
> Partitions: 48
> Brokers 24 ,15 both are down due to disk errors and we lost the partition
> 47. I tried increasing the replica ( 2 to 3 ) of the partition alone using
> the Kafka partition reassignment tool but that didn't help.
> {
> "version": 1,
> "partitions": [{
> "topic": "1453",
> "partition": 47,
> "replicas": [22, 11, 5],
> "log_dirs": ["any", "any", "any"]
> }]
> }
> Reassignment of partition 1453-47 is still in progress - Its stuck more
> than 3 hours.
> How to recover the partition 47? Pls advise. Thanks!
> --Senthil

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