Thanks, Peter for the quick response.

You may need to enable unclean leader election, as well. - We already set
unclean leader election to true. Unfortunately both brokers went down
within 10 minutes of time. Another option is to increase the replication
factor to 3 from 2. Right now the goal is to have no offline partitions in
a cluster.

Is your goal just to have no offline partitions or to recover the data
contained in the affected partition? - Our goal is to have no offline
partitions. We are fine with losing the data of affected partition.


On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 1:18 PM Peter Bukowinski <> wrote:

> If the only replicas for that topic partition exist on brokers 15 and 24
> and they are both down, then you cannot recover the partition until either
> of them is replaced or repaired and rejoins the cluster. You may need to
> enable unclean leader election, as well.
> As you’ve discovered, adding replicas to an offline partition partition
> doesn’t work. A topic/partition needs to be in a healthy state for that to
> work.
> Is your goal just to have no offline partitions or to recover the data
> contained in the affected partition? Producers and consumers should still
> be able to access the topic in its current state.
> --
> Peter
> > On Nov 11, 2019, at 11:34 PM, SenthilKumar K <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Experts, We have seen a problem with partition leader i.e it's set
> to -1.
> >
> > describe o/p:
> > Topic: 1453 Partition: 47 Leader: -1 Replicas: 24,15 Isr: 24
> >
> > Kafka Version: 2.2.0
> > Replication:  2
> > Partitions: 48
> >
> > Brokers 24 ,15 both are down due to disk errors and we lost the partition
> > 47. I tried increasing the replica ( 2 to 3 ) of the partition alone
> using
> > the Kafka partition reassignment tool but that didn't help.
> >
> > {
> >
> > "version": 1,
> >
> > "partitions": [{
> >
> > "topic": "1453",
> >
> > "partition": 47,
> >
> > "replicas": [22, 11, 5],
> >
> > "log_dirs": ["any", "any", "any"]
> >
> > }]
> >
> > }
> >
> >
> > Reassignment of partition 1453-47 is still in progress - Its stuck more
> > than 3 hours.
> >
> >
> > How to recover the partition 47? Pls advise. Thanks!
> >
> > --Senthil

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