Hi Experts, We have seen a problem with partition leader i.e it's set to -1.

describe o/p:
Topic: 1453 Partition: 47 Leader: -1 Replicas: 24,15 Isr: 24

Kafka Version: 2.2.0
Replication:  2
Partitions: 48

Brokers 24 ,15 both are down due to disk errors and we lost the partition
47. I tried increasing the replica ( 2 to 3 ) of the partition alone using
the Kafka partition reassignment tool but that didn't help.


"version": 1,

"partitions": [{

"topic": "1453",

"partition": 47,

"replicas": [22, 11, 5],

"log_dirs": ["any", "any", "any"]



Reassignment of partition 1453-47 is still in progress - Its stuck more
than 3 hours.

How to recover the partition 47? Pls advise. Thanks!


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