
thank you for the hints. After some reading through the Siemens manuals i
to make it work.
The correct parameters are "AT+CSMS=1;+CNMI=1,2,0,0,1" for the S25 and all newer
Siemens models.

Have a nice day

Christos Stieglitz

> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 16:39:03 +1000
> From: Chris Blown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Hinterlands
> Subject: Re: Receive SMS: does kannel recognize Siemens mobile phone?
> Christos
> This might help...
> This is out of the Nokia Premicell Data Book
> AT+CNMI = <mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr>
> <mode>
> 0    Buffer all indications in unit
> 1    No indications when link is reserved ( on line data mode )
> 2    Buffer indication when link is reserved and flush them to the DTE after 
>reservation has ended
> <mt>
> 0    No received message indication are sent to DTE
> 1    Indication are send to DTE using +CMTI
> 2    Messages ( class 2 ) are routed directly to DTE using +CMT others +CMTI
> 3    As above but class 3 results in a +CMT others +CMTI
> <bm>
> 0   No cell broadcast are routed to the DTE
> 2   They are
> <ds>
> 0   No status reports are send to the DTE
> 1   They are
> <bfr>
> 0   Data buffer indications are flushed to the DTE when <mode> is 1 or 2.
> 1   Data buffer indocations are cleared when <mode> is 1 or 2.
> -------------------------
> This is from the Ericsson GM 12 integrators manual
> AT+CNMI <mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>
> <mode>
> 3   All result codes are routed to DTE
> <mt>
> 0   No Indications are routed to the DTE  (default)
> 1   Indications are routed to the DTE  using +CMTI
> 3   As above ( Class 3 ) using +CMT all others +CMTI
> <bm>
> 0    No indication of CB are routed to DTE
> 2    They are
> <ds>
> 0   No status reports are routed to the DTE
> Hope that helps
> -Chris B
> Christos Stieglitz wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > i'm able to send and receive SMS via the fake service and able to send SMS via
> > a Siemens S25 mobile phone.
> > Kannel does not notice anything every time an SMS arrives on the phone :-(
> >
> > I changed the AT+CNMI command parameters (in smsc_at.c) from "1,2,0,0,0" to
> > "1,0,0,0,1" as Siemens documentation implies. Unfortunately without any success.
> >
> > What else should i try? Any hints? Thank you in advance
> >
> > Christos Stieglitz

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