> 2002-08-16 14:53:50 [10] DEBUG: Octet string dump
> ends.
> 2002-08-16 14:53:50 [9] DEBUG: HTTP: Status line:
> <HTTP/1.1 200 OK>
> 2002-08-16 14:53:50 [7] INFO: WSP: Fetched
> <>
> (text/vnd.wap.wml, charset='iso-8859-9')
> Entity: line 6: error: Input is not proper UTF-8,
> indicate encoding !
>         <card id="RedirectCard" title="Ho~geldiniz"
> ontimer="
>                                   ^
> Entity: line 6: error: Bytes: 0xFE 0x67 0x65 0x6C
>         <card id="RedirectCard" title="Ho~geldiniz"
> ontimer="

This is a libxml error; From the libxml src;

     * If we detect an UTF8 error that probably mean that the
     * input encoding didn't get properly advertized in the
     * declaration header. Report the error and switch the encoding
     * to ISO-Latin-1 (if you don't like this policy, just declare the
     * encoding !)

Without trawling the src further, seems like the gateway only accepts
UTF-8 encoding.

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