Well, on both cases, you'll need to stop kannel to do that. The store is
mostly kept in memory (the disk files are only used as a backup in case of a
"dirty" shutdown. If you don't stop it beforehand, even deleting the files
from disk, kannel will keep retrying the messages on memory.


2009/7/6 Nikos Balkanas <nbalka...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> If you choose:
> store-type = spool
> Individual SMS are stored as individul files. You can make a simple script
> checking the file creation date and delete each old file. Or you can use
> Alej's store-tools.
> BR,
> Nikos
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marcin Bockowski" <boc...@gmail.com>
> To: "Alejandro Guerrieri" <alejandro.guerri...@gmail.com>
> Cc: "Kannel" <users@kannel.org>
> Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 4:14 PM
> Subject: Re: kannel for ussd (via SMPP)
> W dniu 6 lipca 2009 15:06 uΏytkownik Alejandro Guerrieri
> <alejandro.guerri...@gmail.com> napisa³:
>> You'll have to patch kannel big-time to do that. Kannel was designed to
>> work asynchronously (I suppose this is because that's the way SMPP and
>> other
>> serious SMS protocols work). This makes a lot of sense, because otherwise
>> you'd have to keep the connection open until the SMSC responds to your
>> message (which may happen a few seconds later on some cases).
> Yeah,
> i've afraid you say so :-D
> Syncronous work may have some sense when using kannel with USSD server ...
> Okay, thanks for pointing me in the right direction ;-)
> BTW, how about clearing store-file? Can i prevent kannel from
> retransmit some messages?
> Thanks,
> --
> Marcin Boζkowski
> tel. +48 79 69 0 69 79

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