actually I've just checked contrib/kannel-monitor it works just fine too
and have advanced features.

I might extend it later to show sqlbox queue's as well.

2012/10/26 Ravindra Gupta // Viva <>

> Dear Spameden,
> Thanks for your response.
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 3:42 PM, spameden <> wrote:
>> I've attached zip archive with complete code
>> You'd need to change few parameters in kannel_status.php to get it
>> working.
>> 2012/10/26 Ravindra Gupta // Viva <>
>>> Dear Spameden,
>>> We have created one page in sqlbox server and I have found there is
>>> missing two files i.e (class_mysql.php, curl.class.php).Kindly provide
>>> me both the php code for the same.
>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>> <?php
>>>  require_once('class_mysql.php');
>>> include_once('curl.class.php');
>>> $DB=NEW DB_MYSQL('kannel_db', 'kannel', 'password', 'sqladmin');
>>>  $DB->query("show tables like 'send_sms%'");
>>> $tables = $DB->collect("Tables_in_kannel (send_sms%)");
>>> $DB->free_result();
>>> foreach($tables as $i => $table) {
>>>         $DB->query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM `".$table."` WHERE
>>> time<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())");
>>>         $DB->free_result();
>>>         $result[$i]['count'] = $DB->next_record('cnt');
>>>         $result[$i]['name'] = $table;
>>> }
>>> $DB->close();
>>> $get = new cURL();
>>> ?>
>>> <html>
>>> <title>Kannel Status</title>
>>> <body>
>>> Current Pending Queue:<br>
>>> var_dump($result);
>>>  <? foreach($result as $tmp) { ?>
>>> <? =$tmp['name']?>: <?=(is_null($tmp['count']) ? 0:'<b>'.$tmp[
>>> 'count'].'</b>')?><br>
>>> <? }
>>> ?>
>>> <pre>
>>> <?=$get->get('')?>
>>> </pre>
>>> </body>
>>> </html>
>>> we have got the below error.
>>> PHP Warning:  require_once(class_mysql.php): failed to open stream: No
>>> such file or directory in /var/www/html/monitor.php on line 2
>>> PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required
>>> 'class_mysql.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in
>>> /var/www/html/monitor.php on line 2
>>> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 8:11 AM, spameden <> wrote:
>>>> There is no "WEB panel" for monitoring SQLBox, but you can code one,
>>>> it's very easy I think.
>>>> Right now I'm using this code just to monitor what happens with kannelvia 
>>>> the WEB.
>>>> It gets current pending queue on multiple sqlbox'es and displays
>>>> kannel's status page. You can extend it to allow kannel's different
>>>> commands.
>>>> Here is what I'm using so you'll get an idea:
>>>> <?
>>>> require_once('class_mysql.php');
>>>> include_once('curl.class.php');
>>>> $DB=NEW DB_MYSQL('kannel_db', 'kannel_user', 'password', 'localhost');
>>>> $DB->query("show tables like 'send_sms%'");
>>>> $tables = $DB->collect("Tables_in_kannel (send_sms%)");
>>>> $DB->free_result();
>>>> foreach($tables as $i => $table) {
>>>>         $DB->query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM `".$table."` WHERE
>>>> time<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())");
>>>>         $DB->free_result();
>>>>         $result[$i]['count'] = $DB->next_record('cnt');
>>>>         $result[$i]['name'] = $table;
>>>> }
>>>> $DB->close();
>>>> $get = new cURL();
>>>> ?>
>>>> <html>
>>>> <title>Kannel Status</title>
>>>> <body>
>>>> Current Pending Queue:<br>
>>>> <? foreach($result as $tmp) { ?>
>>>> <?=$tmp['name']?>: <?=(is_null($tmp['count']) ? 0:'<b>'.$tmp[
>>>> 'count'].'</b>')?><br>
>>>> <? }
>>>> ?>
>>>> <pre>
>>>> <?=$get->get('')?>
>>>> </pre>
>>>> </body>
>>>> </html>
>>>> 2012/8/29 Ravindra Gupta // Viva <>
>>>>> Dear Rene
>>>>> We have successfully configured SQLBOX on our Linux server, I have
>>>>> some query as given below.
>>>>> 1) Any web panel in SQLBOX where we will be Monitored SMS bulk queue
>>>>> like kannel.
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 9:13 PM, Rene Kluwen <>wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry… Now I see what is happening.****
>>>>>> You should comment out line 597 of the original gw/sqlbox.c as well.*
>>>>>> ***
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> == Rene****
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> *From:* Ravindra Gupta // Viva []
>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 08 August, 2012 15:51
>>>>>> *To:* Rene Kluwen
>>>>>> *Cc:*
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: dlr-url call on sqlbox****
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> Dear Rene,****
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> We have commented the code in sqlbox.c file and found the row in
>>>>>> sent_sms table.****
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> */*  if (msg_type(msg) == sms) {*****
>>>>>> *            debug("sqlbox", 0, "smsbox_to_bearerbox: sms received");
>>>>>> *****
>>>>>> *   msg_escaped = msg_duplicate(msg);*****
>>>>>> *    gw_sql_save_msg(msg_escaped, octstr_imm("MT")); *****
>>>>>> *   msg_destroy(msg_escaped);*****
>>>>>> *}  */*****
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> */*  if (msg_type(msg) == sms) {x", 0, "smsbox_to_bearerbox: sms
>>>>>> received");*****
>>>>>> *            msg_escaped = msg_duplicate(msg);*****
>>>>>> *            gw_sql_save_msg(msg_escaped, octstr_imm("MT")); *****
>>>>>> *           msg_destroy(msg_escaped);*****
>>>>>> *        }*****
>>>>>> **/*****
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> *mysql**> select count(*) from sent_sms;*
>>>>>> *+----------+*
>>>>>> *| count(*) |*
>>>>>> *+----------+*
>>>>>> *|       10 | *
>>>>>> *+----------+*
>>>>>> *1 row in set (0.00 sec)*
>>>>>> * *
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Rene Kluwen <>
>>>>>> wrote:****
>>>>>> Hello Ravindra,****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> 1.       The sent_sms table is a log table. It records all smsmessages 
>>>>>> that have been sent, either through a connected
>>>>>> smsbox or via an insert in send_sms. Entries are never deleted. If
>>>>>> you don’t need a log of your sms messages, you can comment out the
>>>>>> line “gw_sql_save_msg(msg, octstr_imm("MT"));” in the gw/sqlbox.c
>>>>>> file.****
>>>>>> 2.       If you don’t need them, you can just delete everything from
>>>>>> the sent_sms table, for instance in a cron table. Or otherwise, see
>>>>>> 1.****
>>>>>> 3.       sqlbox doesn’t manage an internal queue. If you need
>>>>>> information about the sqlbox queue size, just apply a “select count(*)
>>>>>> from send_sms” and it will give you the number of messages still in the
>>>>>> queue.****
>>>>>> 4.       There’s several options. If you don’t need a log of the
>>>>>> messages that are sent, comment out the line that saves sent messages 
>>>>>> (see
>>>>>> 1.). Also, if you want to increase speed of inserting messages in 
>>>>>> send_sms,
>>>>>> you can look at the mysql syntax “INSERT… DELAYED”. This is what your
>>>>>> client program should do. Another thing is to adjust the
>>>>>> SQLBOX_MYSQL_SELECT_QUERY query in gw/sql_mysql.h. You can increase
>>>>>> LIMIT 0,1 to a bigger value. I never bothered to test this out on high
>>>>>> volumes. So please feel free to test and share your experiences in the 
>>>>>> list.
>>>>>> Also there’s a number of things you can do to increase mysql speed,
>>>>>> which is beyond the scope of this mailinglist.****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> Hope this helps,****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> Rene****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> *From:* Ravindra Gupta // Viva []
>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 08 August, 2012 09:34****
>>>>>> *To:* Rene Kluwen
>>>>>> *Cc:*
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: dlr-url call on sqlbox****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> Dear Rene,****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> While working on sqlbox, I have come across some queries :- ****
>>>>>>    1. When we insert on send_sms table, it invokes and sends it to
>>>>>>    sent_sms which further submits it to the Operator and it deletes the 
>>>>>> entry
>>>>>>    from send_sms. However when we receive the deliver_sm from operator, 
>>>>>> it doesn't
>>>>>>    deletes the entry from sent_sms table.****
>>>>>>    2. If the above scenario continues it would increase the size of
>>>>>>    sent_sms table and will affect the mysql performance.****
>>>>>>    3. How we will manage queue in sqlbox, is there any patch
>>>>>>    available which will give us the queue related information.****
>>>>>>    4. How to increase insertion speed to send_sms tables or sent_sms
>>>>>>    table.  ****
>>>>>> ** **
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 6:24 PM, Rene Kluwen <>
>>>>>> wrote:****
>>>>>> I don’t understand quite what you mean with your questions.****
>>>>>> But to answer:****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> 1.       Yes, you can send bulk sms through smsbox. It should work
>>>>>> better than sending them via smsbox.****
>>>>>> 2.       Performance issues are dependant of a number of things.
>>>>>> Check the complete chain (smsbox -> sqlbox -> mysql -> bearerbox ->
>>>>>> smsc). Usually sqlbox is not the cause.****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> == Rene****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> *From:* Ravindra Gupta // Viva []
>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 01 August, 2012 12:29
>>>>>> *To:* Rene Kluwen
>>>>>> *Cc:*****
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: dlr-url call on sqlbox****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> Dear Rene,****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> Thanks for your response.****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> We have successfully configured SQLBOX in our server.****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> We need some query as given below.****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>    1. Can we send bulk load using SQLBOX i.e ( 5 to 10 Lac sms).****
>>>>>>    2. SQLBOX totally on database so any performance issue occurred
>>>>>>    when we have inserted 1 Lac to 10 Lac sms.****
>>>>>>    3. We have used mysql 5.5 version.****
>>>>>> Kindly share your expert sugesstion for the same.****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Rene Kluwen <>
>>>>>> wrote:****
>>>>>> The error is self-explanatory.****
>>>>>> You should just dlrencode your parameters in the dlr-url. Not the
>>>>>> url itself.****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> So insert:
>>>>>> ****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> == Rene****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>> ** **

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