Current sqlbox head revision has some improvements that will certainly help
your problem.
Even if it doesn't disappear, then it sure will help to increase the number
of inserted messages at a time.

Having said that, your problem seems to be mysql-related. Not a Kannel

250 MB of Ram sure isn't a whole lot, nowadays. But for sure it should be
enough to send more than 20 messages at a time.
What does "top" tell you? Is your VPS using swap space?

== Rene

-----Original Message-----
From: users [] On Behalf Of spameden
Sent: donderdag 14 november 2013 15:44
To: dorin
Subject: Re: Big problem with sqlbox

2013/11/14 dorin <>:
> Thanks spameden  for your reply
> "first of all what's the kannel/sqlbox version you're running?"
> I'm using kannel - 1.5 and sqlbox - I'm not really sure, I think 0.7;

What's revision you're using? Try using latest revision from SVN.

>  "you might need to tweak some settings. "
> Really I had set MyIsam all kannel tables. I have changed from MyIsam 
> to InnoDb. Will familiarize soon with MariaDB too. Do you mean only 
> these two tweaks?
> "check indexes on dlr table as well."I have indexed id column.
> Here is my dlr table
>   `smsc` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
>   `destination` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
>   `source` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
>   `service` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
>   `url` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>   `mask` INT(10) DEFAULT NULL,
>   `status` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
>   `boxc` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
>   `CampaignID` INT(11) NOT NULL,
>   `RelOwnerUserID` INT(11) NOT NULL,
>   `RelOperatorID` INT(11) NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
>   UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
>   UNIQUE INDEX UK_oempro_kannel_dlr_id (id)

add an index on smsc and ts:

CREATE INDEX smsc_ts ON dlr (smsc,ts);

when DLR arrives kannel looks for it in dlr table and does a DELETE from dlr
where ts=XXX and smsc=XXXX.

>I have some questions about this problem:
>I run KANNEL under a small VPS, with processor 1Gb and RAM 250Mb this 
>may be a problem?
>how much memory needs for KANNEL+SQLBOX well working?

This might be a problem if you have large amounts of messages in a queue.

Ram 256Mb ? that's certainly not enough if you plan to do billions of MTs.
Our VM runs on 3gb of memory.

Also, you need good upstream SMSC uplinks which could handle large amounts
of messages per second. I'd recommend using transciever mode and multiple

>because sqlbox use tables(kannel_dlr,kannel_sqlbo
>x_send_sms) at the same time with me, may be the cause that I don't use
>The best way to modify these tables are to use transactions?

The best way is to use InnoDB over MyISAM because its much faster if tuned
properly and failsafe in case of database corruption.

>If I want to send billions of SMS needs I do some specific changes under
config files?

check throughput and max-pending-submits parameters in User Guide and
contact your smsc operators if you need to tune them properly.

> On 14.11.2013 12:28, spameden wrote:
>> first of all what's the kannel/sqlbox version you're running?
>> check your mysql setup, you might need to tweak some settings.
>> i'm strongly suggest using InnoDB instead of MyISAM, also take a look 
>> at MariaDB (it's a fork of mysql, very nicely working).
>> check indexes on dlr table as well.
>> we've been using kannel to send about millions of sms messages daily
>> (MT) without any problems.
>> 2013/11/14 dorin <>:
>>> Hello all!
>>> I have a big problem !
>>> I need to send via KANNEL 5000 of SMS.
>>> When I insert into table kannel_sqlbox_send_sms every minute 10 SMS 
>>> - all works fine. But this method is very slow If I try to increase 
>>> inserting SMS, for example (100SMS) MySql stops working and I got 
>>> this error:
>>> MySQL Error: MySql Error: Couldn't connect to database - Lost 
>>> connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication 
>>> packet', system error: 111
>>> In ideal I wish to do one insert with 5000 rows
>>> Memory,Proccessor is not loaded.
>>> My configuration is SMSBox+SQLBox+BearerBox;
>>> Please give me some Ideas!

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