After I insert phone numbers into send_sms table, bearerbox-smsbox-sqlbox starts a lot of Apache processes that essentially increasing RAM. Conclusion: More Phone numbers into send_sms table more Apache processes are started and more memory are used. I increased my server RAM from 250MB to 1GB and now I can insert 100SMS into send_sms table at once.
What do you think about this situation?

On 15.11.2013 15:21, spameden wrote:

2013/11/15 dorin < <>>

    you are right!
    in OOM-killer list is Mysql and Apache.
    As I understand, I must increase urgent my RAM.

As Rene pointed out before it has nothing to do with kannel at all.

And I'd suggest avoid using Apache at all on VPS environment, stick to nginx+php-fpm if you need php functionality.

For kannel sending service you'd need 1-2GB of memory depends really on your setup and amounts of messages staying in a kannel's internal queue.

    On 15.11.2013 10:39, spameden wrote:

        Check your dmesg as well as syslog entries, mysqld might be
        killed by

        2013/11/15 dorin <

            How many entries are there typically in that table?

            I have a cron that insert's every 1 min 10 SMS - it works
            If I increase for ex. 50 SMS inserts every 1 min - time by
            time mysql loses
            connection for a sec maximum.
            but if I increase 100SMS per 1min - 100% mysql loses
            connection for a small
            time or for some seconds. In this time I lose the incoming
            But realy 10 SMS or 100SMS per second is a very small value.
            When I sending distribution SMS, processor shows me medium
            loaded value:
            40%; RAM = 60% - 65%

            Tomorrow want to change MySql version.
            now it's
            mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.49, for debian-linux-gnu
            (i486) using readline
            if the problem will persist, I will install MariaDB

            On 15.11.2013 9:57, Rene Kluwen wrote:

                The index on 'id' won't help you a lot.
                How many entries are there typically in that table?

                Having said that... sqlbox doesn't use the dlr table
                at all. So it's not
                your problem.

                == Rene

                -----Original Message-----
                From: users [
                <>] On Behalf Of dorin
                Sent: donderdag 14 november 2013 12:12
                To: spameden
                Cc: <>
                Subject: Re: Big problem with sqlbox

                Thanks spameden  for your reply

                "first of all what's the kannel/sqlbox version you're

                I'm using kannel - 1.5 and sqlbox - I'm not really
                sure, I think 0.7;

                    "you might need to tweak some settings. "

                Really I had set MyIsam all kannel tables. I have
                changed from MyIsam to
                InnoDb. Will familiarize soon with MariaDB too. Do you
                mean only these two

                "check indexes on dlr table as well."I have indexed id

                Here is my dlr table
                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `kannel_dlr`(
                     `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                     `smsc` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
                     `ts` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
                     `destination` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
                     `source` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
                     `service` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
                     `url` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
                     `mask` INT(10) DEFAULT NULL,
                     `status` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
                     `boxc` VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT NULL,
                     `CampaignID` INT(11) NOT NULL,
                     `RelOwnerUserID` INT(11) NOT NULL,
                     `RelOperatorID` INT(11) NOT NULL,
                     PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
                     UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
                     UNIQUE INDEX UK_oempro_kannel_dlr_id (id)
                ) ENGINE = INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8
                AUTO_INCREMENT = 1;

                On 14.11.2013 12:28, spameden wrote:

                    first of all what's the kannel/sqlbox version
                    you're running?

                    check your mysql setup, you might need to tweak
                    some settings.

                    i'm strongly suggest using InnoDB instead of
                    MyISAM, also take a look
                    at MariaDB (it's a fork of mysql, very nicely

                    check indexes on dlr table as well.

                    we've been using kannel to send about millions of
                    sms messages daily
                    (MT) without any problems.

                    2013/11/14 dorin <

                        Hello all!
                        I have a big problem !

                        I need to send via KANNEL 5000 of SMS.

                        When I insert into table
                        kannel_sqlbox_send_sms every minute 10 SMS -
                        all works fine. But this method is very slow
                        If I try to increase
                        inserting SMS, for example (100SMS) MySql
                        stops working and I got
                        this error:

                        MySQL Error: MySql Error: Couldn't connect to
                        database - Lost
                        connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial
                        communication packet',
                        system error: 111

                        In ideal I wish to do one insert with 5000 rows

                        Memory,Proccessor is not loaded.
                        My configuration is SMSBox+SQLBox+BearerBox;

                        Please give me some Ideas!

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