On 08/13/15 16:38, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> I still await some identification of where the general rule is
> specified.

Maybe you will wait forever on that question, which wasn't asked until now.  
And which I missed as the *not* in the next sentence shows as bold in T-Bird 
and it drew my eyes away.

I say I think you will wait forever since it is very possible that particular 
question is not addressed in documentation as it very well may be specific to 
the context in which it is being used.  Which could be why in the 2 parameters 
using it the man page describes the meaning for each.

But, this is getting off topic.  The original question was asked/answered and 
now I think this is being taken into the realm of "the documentation is not 
good" which, as shown in the past, just leads to an unproductive discussion.

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