Allegedly, on or about 26 July 2016, geo.inbox.ignored sent:
> also, unless you are an enviro freak worrying about using electricity
> and feel you must shut down, consider this, component failure is most
> like to happen from a cold start than from full time power up.
> in long run, a system will last longer if it stays up, with hdd heads
> parked, than it will turning on and off every time one is thru using.
> from very start with s100 systems, i have my computers up 24/7/365.25.
> they are only taken down for maintenance, parts replacement. systems
> run with ups mains, including laptop. 

I tend to disagree about the 24/7 notion.  Coming from a video
production, and occasionally broadcasting, background, I'm well familiar
with the notion of keeping things on, and why.  Yes, switch-on is the
most common failure time, but it's by no means a given.  But I've found
that most equipment tends to last about the same amount of time whether
left running, or not (excluding the earlier wearing out of moving parts
from always being in motion, and relying on adequate cooling so that
things don't cook).  And that's with something like 30 years experience.

Leaving one PC on 24/7 may not be too expensive, but with households
with two or more, and modern PCs being 500+ watt monsters, it adds up to
more expensive power bills.  Particularly when you consider the modern
household with two or more TVs, a video recorder, microwave oven, stereo
system, computerised clothes washing machines, remote-controlled
air-conditioning and heating systems, etc., all permanently powered up
(some appliance's stand-by power is quite high).

Back when I was young, and dinosaurs roamed the earth, we only had two
electrical appliances permanently running in the house:  The fridge and
one electric alarm clock.  Everything else actually switched completely
off, when you switched it off by its own power switch.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

Boilerplate:  All mail to my mailbox is automatically deleted, there is
no point trying to privately email me, I only get to see the messages
posted to the mailing list.

This email brought to you by potato omelates: Cut three medium-sized
potatoes into pieces, and boil them for ten minutes, then smash them
(that's mash them only once, so they're a bit chunky). Stir up four
eggs, like you're going to make scrambled eggs. Mix potatoes and eggs
together. Melt a large lump of butter in a frypan. Slowly fry (turn the
flame down low) small helpings until golden brown. Replenish the butter
as you go along, don't burn the butter. Tip out any butter that's
starting to burn, as you go along.

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