On 07/31/2017 08:50 AM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
> On 07/30/2017 05:07 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 07/31/2017 07:44 AM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
>>> On 07/30/2017 04:41 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>>>> Are you saying you printed the puzzle?  If that is the case, what is the 
>>>> output
>>>> of....
>>>> getsebool unconfined_mozilla_plugin_transition       as well as
>>>> getenforce
>>> [paul@birdinhand ~]$ getsebool unconfined_mozilla_plugin_transition
>>> unconfined_mozilla_plugin_transition --> on
>>> [paul@birdinhand ~]$ getenforce
>>> Enforcing
>>> [paul@birdinhand ~]$
>> All I can say is that I find that odd and maybe even a bit troubling.  With 
>> those
>> setting you should get "no printer" when the print dialog is presented after 
>> picking
>> "Print --> blank puzzle".
>> This suggests that some change occurred to your system which alters the 
>> behavior.
>> Possibly a mislabeled file or something else.  Or possibly the way some 
>> things on
>> your system were installed.
>> If the behavior is altered in this one case I'd be wondering if there may be 
>> other
>> cases.
> Was not expecting "odd and maybe even a bit troubling".
> I am running NoScript but that should not make difference.
> My install notes indicate the only change I made to SELinux is setsebool -P
> antivirus_can_scan_system 1 to enable clamav to scan system
> (https://linux-audit.com/install-clamav-on-centos-7-using-freshclam). All I 
> can
> think of is that something has changed in the Fedora branch?

You could always run FF with NoScript disabled to verify. 

Assuming you didn't install FF in a non-Fedora way.  I think I would go about
relabeling, just for peace of mind.

To do that, I would at a minimum do

fixfiles -R firefox restore

or at a maximum

touch /.autorelabel

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