Allegedly, on or about 1 August 2018, Gianluca Cecchi sent:
> while using "Files", the explorer application (version 3.28.1-stable) 
> in my Fedora 28 system, I have sometimes this kind of problem:
> - I normally use what should be "list view" with list of file names
> - if I have to paste a file/dir or group of copied files/dirs into a
> location where the page listed is full (no blank space inside it), it
> seems that I cannot paste: the right mouse click doesn't offer the
> paste option.

I'm annoyed by the same thing, it's a bad design.  The right-click menu
is context sensitive, so will only offer options applicable to what's
under the cursor, or already selected.  In this case, it'll be a menu
for working with one of the existing files or folders in that window.

Putting it simply, most of the so-called file managers on Linux are
really not in the class of being a file "manager."  They're just file
browsers with a few features.

Unless you use another file browser/manager, you've got two choices:

   1. Use keyboard shortcuts, and inconveniently swap between keyboard and
   2. Laboriously go into the edit menu (at the top of the window,
      presuming you're not using a desktop manager that has removed the
      feature), and pick PASTE from the EDIT menu.

It'd be nice if you could simply add CUT, COPY and PASTE icons into the
file browser's toolbar, to quickly do those *very* common functions.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 4.16.11-100.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 22 20:02:12 UTC 2018 x86_64

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