Theoretically any transfer protocol based on TCP should be safe, not just nfs, 
but smb or wget also.
Only possibility to screw things up is latency; like with transatlantic / 
satellite connections.

From: "Samuel Sieb" <<>>
Date: Wednesday, 21 October 2020 at 20:02:28
To: "" 
Subject: Re: Install Fedora -

On 10/21/20 7:34 AM, Lance Lassetter wrote:
> I wouldn't do it (writing an iso over the network from NFS storage, due
> to the network possibly messing up the integrity of the iso image) but
> you should still be able to with the "dd" command.  Issue a "mount"
> command and you should see the mount path of your NFS storage.  Then, as
> Bob explained, do "dd if=/path/to/NFS-storage/image.iso of=/dev/sdX
> bs=8M status=progress oflag=direct"

Why would you say something like that about NFS?  NFS is a network
filesystem that has been used since before Linux even existed.  I can't
think of any common protocol where transferring a file over the network
could affect the integrity of the data.  Maybe netcat over UDP? :-)
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