On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 1:59 PM Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> wrote:

> On 10Feb2021 14:17, Tim <ignored_mail...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> >The same kind of thing could be done by storing a still image from the
> >camera before you step in front of it, and always comparing it with the
> >current live camera.
> Zoom on my Mac seems to do this, but neater: no background required,
> seems to detect that I move and that my background is static. I'm
> surprised by how effective it is. - Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

In my experience, there are some artifacts (someone earlier referred to it
as "trippy effects") around the edge of the person's head. And in any case,
this feature is not available in the Linux version of Zoom. I don't know
whether any of the other suggestions made in this thread might work or not,
but the only way I successfully got background image to work in Linux Zoom
was to use a green screen behind me. And no trippy effects.

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