Am 24.09.2011 03:22, schrieb Craig White:
> On Sun, 2011-09-18 at 06:16 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 18.09.2011 02:21, schrieb Craig White:
>>> People who are getting worked up about the current state of GNOME 3 are
>>> just being stupid... they have other DM's to choose from
>> this is a dumb argumentation for several reasons
>> first of all most people have work to do and not look all the time
>> which desktop does not interrupt their workflow
> ----
> clearly the best way not to interrupt your workflow is not to upgrade at
> all... who is being stupid here?

so you recommend in other words using F4 after EOL in december this year
eith all impact: no security updates, no new hardware support?

>> and stupid are only people who accept all and switching silently
>> because the chance is big if not enough people are saying loud
>> enough that it is stupid throw away a DE and replace it with another
>> one while raise only the version counter sooner or later the desktop
>> they choose now will make the same epic fail
> ----
> First of all, no one 'threw' anything away. GNOME 2 code is available,
> GPL and if distributions want to maintain it, they can include it
> forever.

nice theory, but not more

> Secondly, if you have a group that shares your view, fork the GNOME code
> and package it for Fedora or any other distributions... knock yourself
> out. Seems as though it's awful easy to whine but none of the whiners
> actually want to do any of the work.

you are not realize the difference between users and developers!

> Lastly, you seem eager to speak for many people but I don't see but a
> handful of vocal obdurates that 400 years ago would have been known as
> 'flat earth' people

dumb argument

what have this to do with a actually destroyed workflow?

> Life goes on, things change, your ox has been
> gored. Do something about it if you want but recognize that endless
> whining on list pretty much is a waste of time and energy... suit
> yourself

you call it waste of energy

i call it HARDLY NEEDED because the folk who decided invasive changes
in users workflows in other cases would think all is super and the
next time the same happens again

> nope... pretty much all the distro's are wrestling with the same issues.
> For that matter, Apple has done much the same with Lion and Microsoft is
> doing much the same with Windows 8. Everyone is on a drive to produce
> the next generation user interface.

and that is exactly teh problem
we DO NOT NEED a apple-clone

there is nothing which i hate more than the missing usability of
the apple-gui for power-users - as example: finder is the most
laughable filemanager out there

if someone like this crap -> well buy an apple computer!

> I switched to Ubuntu server - wasn't a big deal. It was still Linux last
> time I checked


you have swicthed one single webserver with standard packages and think
you understand the world? so try to switch a infrastrcuture with > 20
servers intracting 100% automated one with each oter, self written
deployments and a bun ch of service-dependencies

you can not and you think only you can because it seems you have never seen a
professional environment where people really work with their computers (servers
and desktops) the whole day and often also night

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