Am 24.09.2011 13:46, schrieb Craig White:
> Whether people are programmers or not is decidedly not the point here.
> The GNOME developers have made a decision to revamp the UI to account
> for the fact that computers are extending beyond the model borne out of
> Xerox PARC... a keyboard, screen and mouse. They are attempting to
> satisfy display scenarios that might be as small as a telephone to very
> large and often multiple large displays. They are attempting to satisfy
> the fact that keyboards and mice might be eschewed in favor of touch
> input and gestures. 

peopole who WORK with their computer will never use touch input in
their normal workflow - not now, not tomorrow and not in ten years!

so the primary user-interfaces should not be designed for toys
like iPhone / iPad - these are nice things when you do not have a
real computer near you but will never replace a workstation

yes, the count of peopole who is satisified enough with a smartphone
is growing becuase they never REALLY used a computer, but stop
deisgn interfaces primary for these people and waste a lot of space
with buttons (this gnome2 did long before gnome3)

stop to destroy the worklflow of peopole who will really work with
their computers and using a workstation now and for the next
30 years!

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