Am 05.12.2011 10:56, schrieb Misha Shnurapet:
>> nobody forced the developers to throw all away and start from scratch
>> if they decide to do so the should hol d back their crap until it is
>> ready or learn what refactoring is and maintain the existing code
> No, they didn't have to keep the code to themselves. 

not the code but a release called "GA"

> That is Open Source, and that is how the software is developed and bug 
> reports gathered. 

well, but if the software is not ready for endusers it should
not released to them as default UI

> 3rd party developers have been provided with all the necessary tools and the 
> codebase 
> to create what users would further desire. 

does not help much if you release a software unusable for
your current userbase but hey it supports a tablet

> The project source code repository, the mailing lists and the bugzilla were 
> functional 24/7. Where have you all been when you saw it was going to hurt 
> you?

it does not hurt me because i was never a gnome user but it hurts me to
see that my favourite distribution is packing such a thing as default
desktop without any thoughts at the current user base

and do not come with "but gnome2 is still not developed any more"
RHEL6/CentOS6 is shipping it for years!

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