On 01/05/2012 12:38 AM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:

> I was there in ancient times and I'd rather have the current flood of 
> information that requires much winnowing and sifting to find what is 
> needed than the days of minimal info ... and the only way you stood a 
> chance of getting an answer was to be in the same room as the person who 
> knew it (of course, remote access to a computer meant terminals in a 
> room next to the freezing computer room as opposed to in it).


'wiz kids' of today have no concept of what 'the good old days' where like.

you had things easier than i because you worked 'mainframe' where you at
least had someone to ask. i had myself and an s100 box with dialup bbs
and an 'outside dialin' to access local college 'mainframe' to search it's
files and out thru arpanet to other colleges to search. slow, but it usually
got results.

> A lot of reading is a mild understatement (smile), but I do thank you 
> for the link.

if you look at 10th hit, 'Bash Guide for Beginners', 'Table of Contents',
you will see it is main for 5th hit. wherein 'Introduction 1.', 1st
paragraph gives a good description of what it is all about.

'Table of Contents' does show a good breakdown of sections and should
lend to quick finding of what you may need.

i have never really found anything "short" for what i wanted to know
about bash or anything else that i needed to find out more about, but
i can say that 'tdlp' has covered pretty much of what i was looking for.

> I've done my fair share of assembler and have to admit that one of the
> reasons I liked c was I was able to get away with the kind of murder you
> could only do in assembler. C++ was just the natural next thing.

most all of my assembler work has been for controllers and c and c++ where
just too much bloat to do what i needed. plus, with al, i never had to
worry of stack or buffer over flow. ;)

each has their place. al is best for eprom and rom, where c/c++ work well
with hdd systems.

> But somehow I never needed scripting until I got old enough that the
> brain resisted yet another new thing.

i look at it another way, 'why reinvent the wheel'. if you can make what
is already written work with scripts, use it, do not write it new. :)


peace out.



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