On 1/14/2013 23:02, g wrote:
> On 01/15/2013 02:09 AM, staticsafe wrote:
>> "also, good luck with subfolders under inbox."
>> What exactly is the problem?
> there is a known quirk with mozilla's thunderbird email client involving
> an email account's Inbox that has sub-folders.
> due to high email traffic that goes thru Inbox, there is a possibility
> of the Inbox _email_file_ becoming corrupt.

OK, now I'm worried.

> the cause of this happening can be for various reasons. the main cause,
> i believe, is from auto compact being enabled and new emails arriving
> when thunderbird is trying to do maintenance on file for emails that have
> been moved elsewhere by filter action.

I don't think I enabled auto-compact manually, I don't know if its
enabled by default, time to find out I guess.

> another problem that can happen and mozilla does recognize it, if you
> keep a lot of old emails in Inbox, there is a possibility of file
> becoming corrupt. mozilla recommends that Inbox be maintained with as
> few emails as possible. i recommend to _keep_it_cleaned_-_period_.

This one I got covered, I maintain an "inbox zero" policy with all my
accounts, mails are filtered directly without ever seeing my "INBOX" folder.

> there is a condition in the filter 'match' setting called
>   ( ) Match all messages
> which i use as last filter of each email account to move emails to
> folder 'Local Folders/all-other'. i have considered adding sub-folders
> to it, but my filtering is extensive enough that i seldom have any
> emails hit 'all-other'.
> in your case, you could add sub-folders with name of you email accounts.
> that is up to you. what ever makes things simple to maintain is the
> main goal.
> there have been a number of posters on the 'support thunderbird list'
> complaining about an account having a corrupted Inbox.
> there have been many suggestions for a cure made. the one that works
> is to move *all* Inbox sub-folders out from under Inbox folder. they
> can be moved anywhere and i recommend they be moved to a place below
> the 'Local Folders' folder. cure rate by doing so is 100%
> there is/was a page on one of non mozilla owned mozilla support sites
> that recommends no sub-folder and it gave same reasons i found to be.
> i thought i had bookmarked site, but i have yet to find it. it does
> not shown up with a google search.
> so, now you know what i meant in wishing you good luck.
> also, understand this, you may not have a problem now, your setup
> could go on forever. then again, it might hit you.
> consider what and how much you have to lose vs the short time spent
> in dragging folders to a new location.
> when you drag and drop folders to a new position, thunderbird's filter
> routine will rewrite your filters to show new position so you do not
> have to rewrite any filter rules.

This is the thing, I don't use Thunderbird's filter system at all. All
my filtering is done server side by a Dovecot plugin called Sieve as I
mentioned. This is useful as I use Thunderbird on multiple devices and
OSes and I don't have to bother to keep my filters in sync. Also I get
to write filters in my favourite editor which is great too. :)

So my situation is - Thunderbird doesn't see any "filtering", as far its
concerned, messages just randomly appear in folders. :)

I am not too worried about losing e-mails due to corruption as this is
essentially my mailing list e-mail and most if not all of them are
publicly archived. :)

> now you can see, and i hope understand, why i did not want to reply to
> your question in thread i started. if a fedora, or any other user ran
> a search with "Subject: folders under Inbox", they would never find
> what they were looking for.
> there are enough answers to problems out there that are no where related
> to "Subject:" line. i did not see advantage of adding another and hiding
> a solution.
> i do hope this helps you make decision to move folders.
> ___
> congratulations for your choice of wording in "Subject:".
> tho next time, i would recommend "ping: geleem". i have a filer for
> that. (GBWG)

Noted. Thanks for your elaboration.

> Opa. Metaxa.

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