On 01/20/2013 03:18 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAP_IDLE

good link. thank you.

> he can not build structure on the client
> anything you do happens on the server

not quit true. i could build a tree on server and then add branches in
thunderbird to do do further filtering.

> please google the dfiffernce ebtween IMAP and POP3

i admit i do not have a full understanding of current day imap, but i
do have an awareness of diff between imap and pop3.

> surely, you can configure your client to move around messages
> between folders like for local ones, but that would be a dumb
> solution if your server supports sieve because if you are on
> a different client like smartphone and your client with the
> filters has to run the whole time or no filtering

no. what is dumb is taking for granted that all servers use/support
sieve, and being that i am talking about late 80's into 90's, before
sieve, my doing what i did was not dumb. :)

being that one of great advantages of imap is doing _pre_ filtering
at server allows one to download emails to various systems and then
further filter for needs of other systems.

to give you a better understanding, i played with computers when they
where run with punched cards. which is not counting the relay operated
tic-tac-toe system at museum of science in chicago. :)

shortly after zilog was formed, i built my first micro cpu system
using zilog z80 and s100 buss. and yes, i used 8" floppies.

> it is much more effective filter messages in folders via sieve
> on the server which affects any client everywhere and saves
> bandwith - usually filtering in the client is copy the message
> to the destination folder and remove it after that from the old
> one, this is not fast, no efficient and wasting bandwith and last
> but not least makes all the troubles with the thunderbird indexes
> especially if different clients are connected at the same time

basic filtering is, may be, more effective on server in some cases.
all/every client may not have need or use of all email that is handled
on server. ie, bookkeeping/accounting would not have need for emails
that go to an engineering dept. and many more examples, too many to
mention them and would be a waste of bandwidth. ;)

which is all where there are advantages of using thunderbird

> maybe you should consider reading wikipedia and references how
> IMAP works because your questions are showing you missed it

some of it, yes. a lot has changed in last 30 years. when i find time
i do plan to read up on what has happened in that time to imap. but
it will not be at wikipedia. i enjoy reading rfc's.

i do thank you for your replies.

peace out.



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