On Wed, 2013-01-16 at 11:47 -0500, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
> So just to clarify for someone like me.....who has a three sub-folders
> under my GMail account running on TB. You're saying I should move
> those folders to the "Local Folder" on my computer and away from under
> the Inbox for GMail? I have filters set up in TB that send certain
> e-mail addresses to those folders.....will the filters still work when
> I move them?

I use Gmail (in IMAP mode) on several large accounts, but with Evolution
as the client. However I have also used TBird quite extensively and
haven't noticed any problems. If you're going to copy mail to a local
folder rather than leave it on the server then the fact that it came
from Gmail is irrelevant.

Personally I leave everything on the server and do most of my filtering
there as well (using Gmail's builtin filters), which means I can see the
same folder structure from anywhere and don't have to worry about
exporting and importing filters, a notoriously error-prone practice.


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