On 01/16/2013 04:47 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:

> So just to clarify for someone like me.....who has a three sub-folders
> under my GMail account running on TB. You're saying I should move those
> folders to the "Local Folder" on my computer and away from under the
> Inbox for GMail? I have filters set up in TB that send certain e-mail
> addresses to those folders.....will the filters still work when I move
> them? (I have folders for the Fedora Users Group....the CEntOS Users
> Group...and the Scientific Linux Users Group!) Just want to know before
> I go and move them

i presume you are addressing your question to me, so i reply with;

also read my reply to "staticsafe".

*no* *email folder* should be placed under another _email_folder_.
especially if the parent email folder is an Inbox.

if you do not want an 'email folder' to reside at same level as your
account's Inbox, you should create a *parent folder* and then move
'email folders' below it. *do not* store emails in the _parent_folder_.

if you drag and drop a thunderbird 'email folders' to a new place,
any filter associated with that 'email folder' will be re-written by
thunderbird. you should also get a notice window telling you that the
filter is re-written.

as they sit on your hard drive, *email folders* are _files_.
*parent folders* are _directories_.

*parent folders* will show as "parentname.sbd" and there will be 2
associated files "parentname" and "parentname.msf".

*email folders* files will show as "emailfolder" and "emailfolder.msf".

open up a file browser and look at just how things are laid out
under the *Mail* directory in your profile directory;
        yourname              8 alpha/numeric

>also these same folders are also existent on the
> GMail servers, will my moving the ones on TB affect those as well?...

when you move thunderbird email folders and parent folders on your
system, i can not say what will happen on server if you are using
imap and if it ties back to server.

if using pop3, no.


peace out.



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