On 01/15/2013 04:47 AM, staticsafe wrote:

> OK, now I'm worried.

if you do all your sorting on server and use imap, you *might not*
have a problem. i can not comment what happens when running imap,
as i use pop3 and have not tested the corruption problem with imap.

as near as i can tell, corruption is caused by emails entering the
Inbox and then filters moving them out.

i am making a presumption that emails reside for a short period in the
Inbox while the filter is run and then moved out and file size is set
back to zero when it is cleaned of filtered email.

reason i used word 'presumption' is because i use kde and when viewing
account's Inbox file size, i use <f5> to refresh konqueror's view and
it is difficult to see if Inbox file size increases. for sure, when
thunderbird is finished retrieving emails, the time stamp is updated.
so, i therefore use word 'presumption'.

thinking about this now, i imagine i could try to locate the source
code for thunderbird and look up just what is happening. or i could
subscribe to developers list and ask there. then hope that they give
me an answer.

> I don't think I enabled auto-compact manually, I don't know if its
> enabled by default, time to find out I guess.

it is best not to. not so much because it is a potential cause for
problems. more like if you are moving emails to other files and later
find you have email/s missing, you can open file were they were and
reset the delete/moved bit and recover lost email.

> This one I got covered, I maintain an "inbox zero" policy with all my
> accounts, mails are filtered directly without ever seeing my "INBOX"
> folder.

which you do by using imap and depending on server not to screw things
up for you. :)

> This is the thing, I don't use Thunderbird's filter system at all. All
> my filtering is done server side by a Dovecot plugin called Sieve as I
> mentioned. This is useful as I use Thunderbird on multiple devices and
> OSes and I don't have to bother to keep my filters in sync. Also I get
> to write filters in my favourite editor which is great too. :)

yes, thunderbird's filter was written more for oos user than for a
linux user. one of several things i do not like about thunderbird's
filter is that you can not "if (w or y) and (x or z)" nor can you
"if (w and y) or (x and z)". the simple "if and" or "if or" is very

> I am not too worried about losing e-mails due to corruption as this is
> essentially my mailing list e-mail and most if not all of them are
> publicly archived. :)

i look at loss from corruption not so much as a problem, as it is what
you have to do and time spent in recovering what is.

"an ounce of prevention" applies to more than trojan. ;)

> Noted. Thanks for your elaboration.

not a problem.

in closing, please excuse my delay in replying. i have been tied up
with trying to correct an email problem that turned out to be related
to yuckahoo and their server's spam filter.


peace out.



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