Reindl Harald <> writes:

> Am 13.07.2013 22:59, schrieb lee:
>> Reindl Harald <> writes:
>>> don't get me wrong but if you hvae manually configured services
>>> especially a webserver it's your job to look *before* you upgrade
>>> if there is a major change and prepare your manual configuration
>>> for it - untouched configuration is updated
>> The release notes only say: "The Apache httpd package has been upgraded
>> to version 2.4.3-1, which contains numerous security and performance
>> fixes."[1]
>> There is no mentioning of configuration changes
> as said "if you hvae manually configured services especially a webserver
> it's your job to look *before* you upgrade"

Yes and no:  If running apache is very important or maybe even the point
of running the server, it being mentioned in the release notes should
alarm you.  In that case, you're probably not surprised anyway because
you've been watching its mailing list and other news about it.

And you would have to carefully check *every* package that gets updated,
no matter how it was configured.  Since that isn't easy, you read the
release notes ...

When the web server is not really important and no more than something
nice to have, you're probably not alarmed and instead just think like
"oh that's nice that they have improved it" --- or the information even
gets filtered out right away when reading the release notes because it
seems rather irrelevant, especially when you're more concerned about
upgrading at all.

Maybe I'm a little spoiled from having used Debian for so long.  When
there was a change to cyrus that required conversion before upgrading,
it was clearly mentioned, and the older version remained installed by
default.  You had to explicitly do the upgrade and nothing would break
when you didn't.

"Object-oriented programming languages aren't completely convinced that
you should be allowed to do anything with functions."
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