Am 14.07.2013 14:41, schrieb Frank Murphy:
> On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 00:51:05 +0200
> lee <> wrote:
>> Why not make it one of the great features of Fedora?  Then take it
>> to the next step and make systemd send mails in case a service
>> couldn't be started or has issues,
> You can do that yourself currently

and do this automatically is a bad idea

how often should the ybe sent if a service goes crazy
and starts crashing 5 seconds after start, is restarted
by "Restart=always" and flooding your inbox - such behavior
is known as "self DOS" if implemented not 100% perfect

i have scripts parsing /var/log/messages and sent out notifies
every 30 minutes if something went wrong, all important services
have Restart=always and so i only need to know that it
happened and how often it happens

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