Am 14.07.2013 14:35, schrieb Matthew Miller:
> On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:51:05AM +0200, lee wrote:
>>>> The package management tools in Debian send you emails about changes
>>>> like that, even about very little changes, when packages are being
>>>> replaced by more recent versions.  Maybe this could be done in Fedora as
>>>> well?
>>> You could try using yum-cron.
>> Automatic updates?  I'd rather not do that since it sometimes seems
>> advisable to reboot after an update.
> It's often advisable, but usually only because the updates may not take
> effect on already-loaded code and not all updates can restart all relevant
> services. So, applying updates and not restarting should be no worse than
> not restarting at all

that's not true

depending on the software you are *highly* advised to re-start
a service after a depending library got updated

i had not too long ago the case that a update of libcurl friday
evening without *hard* restart httpd leaded to beginning some
hours later in PHP written webservcies stopped to connect to a
customers WSDL services and that was 100% because some httpd
processes after "MaxRequestsPerChild" has reached loaded
the new libcurl while the master process has loaded the old code

not too long ago there was a discussion on the devel-list about
the unpredictable impact of prelink in  case of long running
processes - and you *can not* know what will be affacted in
which way after random updates are applied in background

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