Reindl Harald <> writes:

> Am 25.07.2013 22:04, schrieb lee:
>> Reindl Harald <> writes:
>>> here for the records and CC to the list to get back to the context
>> Harald, "enge Sichtweise" does not translate into "narrow view" like
>> that.  You can make a comment like that in German and it would be
>> understood, though it wasn't necessary to say that.
> well, and that is why nitpicking about any word and presume
> always the worst intention of anything i say is unfair

This doesn't have anything to do with presuming, nitpicking or
unfairness.  You say "x" and mean "z".  There is no way for the other
person to know that you mean "z".  You said "x" and that's all there is
to it.

It is not anyone elses' fault or problem that you say things you don't
mean to say.  When you run "#rm -rf" and mean "ls -la", what do you

> that may all be right - but what would you choose?
> * having perfect english from me without knowledge
> * having knowledge and not perfect / rough english
> i need to chosse becaus emy day has only 24 hours..........................

It is your choice to make and not mine.  You can chose whatever you
want.  If you chose not to adjust, I would prefer that you be
unsubscribed from this mailing list.  Otherwise you will continue to
create unnecessary unrest.

It's not your inability to adjust, it's your choice not to.  Why should
others put up with that?

When you don't have enough time to post on mailing lists or to make bug
reports, then don't do it and stop making excuses.

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