Vernon Cole wrote:
This is an opinion poll...

The portion of pywin32 which I maintain, adodbapi, will work in either CPython or IronPython. That was (relatively) easy, since it is written in pure Python.

Pywin32 is a complete package which allows a python programmer to perform many Windows systems administration functions, or use native Windows features easily in an application program. While anything which can be done in pywin32 can also be done (perhaps with more difficulty) using .NET code, it seems that it would be convenient to have the same API available in either environment. This question is meaningful now, since work is starting on a second edition of the book "Python Programming on Win32" and we would like to know how much Iron Python information to include.

Is there any interest in forking the pywin32 C code into C# so that the entire package can be run in a .NET environment using IronPython?

Providing the same API as a wrapper over C# would *definitely* be of interest.

My guess is that some of what pywin32 does there is already a .NET wrapper available for (although there might be some API mismatch) and for a lot you will need to use P/Invoke.

Another approach would be to rewrite pywin32 to use ctypes and then pywin32 would run on PyPy, Jython, Python *and* IronPython once Jeff Hardy has completed his port...

All the best,


Vernon Cole


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