On 30/06/2009, Dino Viehland <di...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Good work, it's very cool to see this - if you see an existing bug or
> open a new please make sure to mention that it effects Bazaar and we'll
> treat it with a higher priority.  In general that goes for any large
> body of existing Python code.

Okay, I've written testcases for each of the changes I needed to make
to get Bazaar to run that were due to IronPython bugs. Have just had a
quick look at the IronPython source online and could submit patches
for a few of the issues.

However I don't see any information on the site about how you want
fixes provided, and messages likes this:
seem to imply that not only can you not take submissions, but you
can't even look at them? Perhaps an entry in the faq addressing this
would make things clearer.

Don't want to make your lives harder, so for the moment will just say
what and where:

* Even non re.RE_Pattern objects shouldn't confuse warnings filtering
(Regression in IronPython 2.6 beta 1) (too crazy for a bug entry)

* Require the zlib module [workitem:2590] (other missing or broken
modules not as crucial)

* Making sys._getframe equal to None by default in 2.6 beta 1 lead to
a happier logging module but a sadder doctest module.

* The third argument to file should work as a keyword as well as
positionally [workitem:23347]

* The abspath function should not throw even for invalid windows
paths. Or, if it's going to throw, it shouldn't spell 'pecified'
without the 'S'. Fixed post-2.6 beta 1 by the workaround in
nt._getfullpathname? (going by the code in

* Removing a read-only file should raise an error with errno set to
EACCES [workitem:23348] also related to [workitem:13702]

* Removing a open file should raise an error with errno set to EACCES
[workitem:23349] also related to [workitem:13702]

* A buffer object should be directly writable to a cStringIO object

* Opening an existing file with the O_CREAT should succeed
[workitem:19310] (problem at FileModeFromFlags in
IronPython_Main/Src/IronPython.Modules/nt.cs) CreateNew is the
analogue of (O_CREAT | O_EXCL), just O_CREAT should be OpenAlways.
Likewise, the O_TRUNC flag is not being correctly combined in there.

* The mbcs codec for decoding windows 'ansi' strings should exist

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