Martin wrote:

> * Even non re.RE_Pattern objects shouldn't confuse warnings filtering
> (Regression in IronPython 2.6 beta 1) (too crazy for a bug entry)
> * Require the zlib module [workitem:2590] (other missing or broken
> modules not as crucial)
> * Making sys._getframe equal to None by default in 2.6 beta 1 lead to
> a happier logging module but a sadder doctest module.
> * The third argument to file should work as a keyword as well as
> positionally [workitem:23347]
> * The abspath function should not throw even for invalid windows
> paths. Or, if it's going to throw, it shouldn't spell 'pecified'
> without the 'S'. Fixed post-2.6 beta 1 by the workaround in
> nt._getfullpathname? (going by the code in
> IronPython_Main/Src/IronPython.Modules/nt.cs)
> * Removing a read-only file should raise an error with errno set to
> EACCES [workitem:23348] also related to [workitem:13702]
> * Removing a open file should raise an error with errno set to EACCES
> [workitem:23349] also related to [workitem:13702]
> * A buffer object should be directly writable to a cStringIO object
> [workitem:23350]
> * Opening an existing file with the O_CREAT should succeed
> [workitem:19310] (problem at FileModeFromFlags in
> IronPython_Main/Src/IronPython.Modules/nt.cs) CreateNew is the
> analogue of (O_CREAT | O_EXCL), just O_CREAT should be OpenAlways.
> Likewise, the O_TRUNC flag is not being correctly combined in there.
> * The mbcs codec for decoding windows 'ansi' strings should exist
> [workitem:23351]

With this morning's source push all of these should be fixed now except
For the zlib and re.RE_Pattern issues.
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