Interestingly I can run and run the command

/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/pkg-config --list-all

and mono is in the list it outputs.  Man that's irritating...

On Apr 23, 2009, at 4:04 PM, Ron Grove wrote:

I'm not completely sure what you mean by cleaning up my setup. The XCode 3.1 tools are installed and work fine for Objective-C projects. I need those tools so uninstalling them isn't really something I want to do unless there's a reason. nant seems to be installed correctly:

ron:~ ron$ nant -help
NAnt 0.86 (Build 0.86.2898.0; beta1; 12/8/2007)

ron:~ ron$ whereis nant

ron:~ ron$ ls -l /usr/bin/nant
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 48 Apr 10 15:11 /usr/bin/nant -> /Library/ Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/nant

Still not sure why, but it's this pkg-config::exists function that's failing to find mono. But I can run it fine from the command line and it's in my path. Suppose I'll have to sign up on their mailing list and ask. I was just hoping someone else may have run into it here.


On Apr 20, 2009, at 2:02 AM, Laurent Etiemble wrote:


NAnt is bundled with Mono, so you don't have to install anything else. Note that some samples require the XCode tools to be installed or some
specific frameworks, but at least 20 of them build out of the box.

Can you try to clean up your setup, and only install Mono ? Once done,
you can check that NAnt is available by opening a Terminal and by
invoking NAnt (type 'nant').

Regards, Laurent Etiemble.

2009/4/17 Ron Grove <>:
I've tried to built the samples using nant and get this error message below. I've never used it before and not sure what to do. This page doesn't tell
me much:

Where is it looking for the package? I have the latest download for OS X installed on the system. All the old versions are gone so far as I can see.
Somewhere I read to set $PKG_CONFIG_PATH
to /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/lib/ pkgconfig which
I've done, but that didn't help.  Any ideas?

Thank you,



Failed to initialize the 'Mono 3.5 Profile' (mono-3.5) target framework.

  Function call failed.
Expression: ${not pkg-config::exists('mono')}

      'pkg-config' failed to start.

          ApplicationName='pkg-config', CommandLine='--exists mono',
CurrentDirectory='/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/2.4/ share/NAnt/bin/'

For more information regarding the cause of the build failure, run the build
again in debug mode.

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