Works now. Appears you have to have pkg-config in your path even though the Nant user manual pages on their website don't mention anything about that. The Mono installer put links to about everything in my /usr/bin folder but not to that one. I didn't think anything of it since I (mistakenly) assumed if you wanted to use nant everything you needed would work since it's installed right along with everything else. Anyhow, that's why running it manually worked just fine but running it in build scripts didn't work on either of our OS X computers. Hope this helps anyone else in the future that isn't very used to troubleshooting things on a *nix system. :-)

Thank you,

On Apr 24, 2009, at 12:24 AM, Franky De Meyer wrote:

Actually, I ran into the same problem a few weeks ago.

It happened after upgrading mono 2.2 to 2.4
I had been googling for similar cases a well, and tried similar things like

I also installed MonoDevelop, which was suggested as a fix by someone, but
that didn't solve it for me.

At this moment it IS working, and I'm not sure how I got there.
These are the things that might have caused it to start working again:
- Numerous uninstalls and reinstalls of both mono 2.2 and 2.4
- Updated monobjc from 2.0.324 to 2.0.342
- made sure I was using the most recent NAnt.monobjc.dll
- I also got around to update my Mac with the latest updates: I'm not at the
most recent MacOS v10.5.6 Build 9G55

It must have been one of these actions or even a combination that has cured
this weird behavior of nant

Good luck and let us know how it goes. I know it's frustrating.

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