About a dozen people e-mailed me after I sent the first mail asking where the videos were located. :-)


Also, "Videos" is a link on the left-hand side navigation of the Open MPI web site, so there's no need to memorize the link.

On May 27, 2008, at 6:43 PM, Graham Jenkins wrote:

Jeff Squyres wrote:
Over the past year or two, I have been slowly creating a large set of
Open MPI training material that I've used to present to my company's
customers and partners.  I have just recently received permission to
release all of my slides to the greater HPC community.  Woo hoo!

Great idea Jeff, sounds really useful.  But where do I find them?
Graham Jenkins
Senior Software Specialist, eResearch
Monash University (Clayton Campus, Bldg 11, Rm S503)

Email: graham.jenk...@its.monash.edu.au
Tel:   +613 9905-5942 (office)   +614 4850-2491 (mobile)
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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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