I've never really dig into Open MPI's guts, not because I wasn't
interested, but mainly because the time required to get my bearings
seemed just too much. Until now. I've watched a couple of the videos
while coding and it was pretty awesome. Easy to understand, structured
and well spoken.

On 12:41 Tue 27 May     , Jeff Squyres wrote:
> Note that "receiving permission" is very different than receiving  
> funding or additional staff to publish said training material.  :-)   

Put them on itunes and talk some lectures into making them suggested
materials for their parallel computing courses. ;-)

> - Do you like the format?
>      - Is the (slides+narration) format useful?

Yes, I like it a lot. I guess a pure podcast would be insufficient for
complex issues where you simply need diagrams. Maybe a small
suggestion: maybe it's just me, but I'd actually prefer (even) leaner
slides. Currently you're basically duplicating on screen what you're
saying, which is good when you're a nervous, moumbling college student
and might lose your audience somewhere. But when you're an experenced
speaker (which you obviously are), the audience does rarely need this
redundancy and might rather get confused when trying to digest both
streams of information (visual and auditory) simultaneously. But this
is of course a question of personal preference.

>      - Would terminal screen-scrape sessions be useful?

I'd prefer how-to pages for this, as you can copy&paste the commands
directly into your own shell.

>      - ...other [low-budget] suggestions?

Maybe an a tad higher audio bitrate. And some people don't like the
.mov format, but that isn't really important. 


Andreas Schäfer
Cluster and Metacomputing Working Group
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
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