Am 29.09.2008 um 22:33 schrieb Zhiliang Hu:

At 07:37 PM 9/29/2008 +0200, Reuti wrote:

"-l nodes=6:ppn=2" is all I have to specify the node requests:

this might help:

Essentially the examples given on this web is no difference from what I did. Only thing new is, I suppose "qsub -I " is for interactive mode. When I did this:

  qsub -I -l nodes=7

It hangs on "qsub: waiting for job to start".

UNIX_PROMPT> qsub -l nodes=6:ppn=2 /path/to/mpi_program
where "mpi_program" is a file with one line:
 /path/to/mpirun -np 12 /path/to/my_program

Can you please try this jobscript instead:

set | grep PBS
/path/to/mpirun /path/to/my_program

All should be handled by Open MPI automatically. With the "set" bash
command you will get a list with all defined variables for further
analysis; and where you can check for the variables set by Torque.

-- Reuti

"set | grep PBS" part had nothing in output.

Strange - you checked the .o end .e files of the job? - Reuti


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