My goal is to run some software that uses MPI so for now I the most standard 

> Are you saying that you have available and
> when you try to run, you get missing symbol errors?  Or are
> you failing to compile/link at all?

  Linking stage fails. When I use mpif90 to produce actual executable ld 
reports error that it can't find -lmpi_f90. The is in /usr/libs 
but, again, as I've discovered ld doesn't even try to look for it. Maybe this 
is ld problem, or ld in conjunction with gfortran...

> I always build via source (but I'm a developer, so my
> bias is a little different ;-) ).  I'm unfamiliar with
> Fedora's yum repositories...

 yum repositories for FC9 provide rpms for openmpi 1.2.4-2, but straightforward 
installation resulted in problem with -lmpi_f90. As I've said before I've tried 
this on two machines and their configurations are not exotic ones. I suppose 
the predicament is something obvious so I hope to here from people with openmpi 
experience under Fedora.

WBR Oleg V. Zhylin

--- On Mon, 11/10/08, Jeff Squyres <> wrote:

> From: Jeff Squyres <>
> Subject: Re: [OMPI users] Can I build development RPM from 
> openmpi-1.2.8-1.src.rpm?
> To:
> Cc: "Open MPI Users" <>
> Date: Monday, November 10, 2008, 9:26 PM
> On Nov 10, 2008, at 2:18 PM, Oleg V. Zhylin wrote:
> >> Right -- OMPI builds shared libraries by default.
> > 
> > What is the proper way to build static libraries from
> RPM? Or tarball is the only option to accomplish this?
> You can pass any options to OMPI's configure script
> through the rpmbuild interface, such as:
> rpmbuild \
>     --define 'configure_options CFLAGS=-g
> --with-openib=/usr/local/ofed --disable-shared
> --enable-static' ...
> But be aware that static linking is not for the weak,
> especially if you're using high-speed networks.  Check
> out both of these:
> >> Really?  That's odd -- our mpif90 simply links
> against
> >> -lmpi_f90, not specifically .a or .so.  You can
> run
> >> "mpif90 --showme" to see the command
> that our
> >> wrapper *would* execute.  You can also tweak the
> flags that
> >> OMPI passes to the wrapper compilers; see this FAQ
> entry:
> > 
> > Well, I suppose if removing -lmpi_f90 and other mpi
> libs from command-line would defeat the purpose of building
> an MPI executable. Moreover ld manual page says that on
> platforms that support shared libraries it looks for .so
> first and .a after that.
> That's pretty standard behavior that has been around
> for forever.
> > But I've tried Fedora Core 6 and 9 and both give
> same result and on both strace shows that ld doesn't
> attempt to look for at all.
> Are you saying that you have available and
> when you try to run, you get missing symbol errors?  Or are
> you failing to compile/link at all?
> > Does anyone has experience building MPI on Fedora?
> FWIW: building on Fedora should be little different than
> building on other Linux systems.
> > Are there any additional steps required other then yum
> install openmpi*?
> I always build via source (but I'm a developer, so my
> bias is a little different ;-) ).  I'm unfamiliar with
> Fedora's yum repositories...
> --Jeff Squyres
> Cisco Systems

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