Hi,  just to make sure,

you wrote in the previous mail that you tested IMB-MPI1 and it
"reports for the last test" ...., and the results are for
"processes=6", since you have 4 and 8 core machines, this test could
be run on the same 8 core machine over shared memory and not over
Infiniband, as you suspected.

You can rerun the IMB-MPI1 test with -mca btl self,openib to be sure
that the test does not use shared memory or tcp.


On 12/24/08, Biagio Lucini <b.luc...@swansea.ac.uk> wrote:
> Pavel Shamis (Pasha) wrote:
> > Biagio Lucini wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > I am new to this list, where I hope to find a solution for a problem
> > > that I have been having for quite a longtime.
> > >
> > > I run various versions of openmpi (from 1.1.2 to 1.2.8) on a cluster
> > > with Infiniband interconnects that I use and administer at the same
> > > time. The openfabric stac is OFED-1.2.5, the compilers gcc 4.2 and
> > > Intel. The queue manager is SGE 6.0u8.
> > >
> > Do you use OpenMPI version that is included in OFED ? Did you was able
> > to run basic OFED/OMPI tests/benchmarks between two nodes ?
> >
> >
>  Hi,
>  yes to both questions: the OMPI version is the one that comes with OFED
> (1.1.2-1) and the basic tests run fine. For instance, IMB-MPI1 (which is
> more than basic, as far as I can see) reports for the last test:
>  #---------------------------------------------------
>  # Benchmarking Barrier
>  # #processes = 6
>  #---------------------------------------------------
>   #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
>          1000        22.93        22.95        22.94
>  for the openib,self btl (6 processes, all processes on different nodes)
>  and
>  #---------------------------------------------------
>  # Benchmarking Barrier
>  # #processes = 6
>  #---------------------------------------------------
>   #repetitions  t_min[usec]  t_max[usec]  t_avg[usec]
>          1000       191.30       191.42       191.34
>  for the tcp,self btl (same test)
>  No anomalies for other tests (ping-pong, all-to-all etc.)
>  Thanks,
>  Biagio
>  --
>  =========================================================
>  Dr. Biagio Lucini
>  Department of Physics, Swansea University
>  Singleton Park, SA2 8PP Swansea (UK)
>  Tel. +44 (0)1792 602284
>  =========================================================
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