
And now for the actual mailing.

Jeff Squyres wrote:
We've talked about similar errors before; I thought that the issue was caused by the Python front-end calling dlopen() to manually open the libmpi.so library. Is that the cause in your scenario?

Not really. We have written a shared library _espresso.so, which is a Python module that is loaded by Python, which in turn dynamically loads libmpi.so - but only on the C++ level. Python itself never sees libmpi.so.

If so, note that it needs to load libmpi.so with RTLD_GLOBAL.  For example:

That is not really under my control, as the library is opened by Python.

the problem disappears. Note also, that the same program works when I'm
using OpenMPI 1.2.x (tested 1.2.6 and 1.2.9).

I still wonder, why everything worked fine in 1.2.x, while in OpenMPI 1.3 it doesn't. Has anything changed between these versions that could influence the behaviour?


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