Hi !

Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
On 3 April 2009 at 03:33, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
| The above submission works the same on my clusters.
| But in fact, my issue involve interconnection between the nodes of the 
| in the above examples involve no connection between nodes.
| | My cluster is a cluster of quadcore computers:
| if in the sbatch script
| | #SBATCH --nodes=7
| #SBATCH --ntasks=15
| | is replaced by | | #SBATCH --nodes=1
| #SBATCH --ntasks=4
| | everything is fine as no interconnection is involved. | | Can you test the inconnection part of the story ?

Again, think about in terms of layers. You have a problem with slurm on top
of Open MPI.

So before blaming Open MPI, I would try something like this:

~$ orterun -np 2 -H abc,xyz /tmp/jerome_hw
Hello world! I am 1 of 2 and my name is `abc'
Hello world! I am 0 of 2 and my name is `xyz'

I got it: I am very new with openmpi.
It is working with each nodes except one (`green'):
I have to blame my cluster.

I will try to fix it soon.

Thanks you very much for you help,

ie whether the simple MPI example can be launched successfully on two nodes or 


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