On Apr 23, 2009, at 3:40 AM, Ankush Kaul wrote:

I am again stuck on a problem, i connected a new node to my cluster and installed CentOS 5.2 on it. after that i use yum to install openmpi,openmpi-libs and openmpi-devel sucessfully.

Be sure that you have the same version of Open MPI installed on all your nodes.

But still when i run mpicc command it gives me error :
bash: mpicc: command not found

i found out there is a command mpi-selector but dont know hoe to use it.
Is this a new version of openmpi? how do i configure it?

No it's not a version of Open MPI, it's a mechanism for switching between multiple different MPI implementations installed on the same machine.

See the man page or "mpi-selector --help" for details.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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