Hello Jeff and Kiril,

Thank you for your responses.  Based on the information you both provided, I 
was able to get buildrpm to make the OMPI RPM the way I wanted.  I ended up 
having to define _prefix , _mandir , and _infodir .

Additionally, I found I had to use --define "shell_scripts_basename mpivars" 
because without that, when I tried to use mpi-selector, mpi-selector did not 
find the installation since it specifically seems to look for the shell scripts 
as mpivars.{sh,csh} rather than mpivars-1.3.3.{sh,csh} as the .spec file 
builds.  I think the .spec file should be changed to match what mpi-selector 

Jeff, it might also be really useful to have a .spec build option to allow the 
RPM to register itself as the system default.  I hand-modified the .spec file 
to do this.  Please let me know if I should register a feature request 
somewhere more formally.

Thanks again to you both, and sorry for taking so long to reply.

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