There're lots of tutorials for ssh login without password available online.
such as

HZ Liu

2010/4/2 Huynh Thuc Cuoc <>

> Thank you very much.
> After that I try with the mpirun:
> [guser1@ioitg2 examples]$ /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 10 --hostfile
> myhosts ring_cxx
> password:
> This request passwd to login to nodes, but 2 massages in the line, I can
> only success with one node, the 2sd. refussed.
> So, how I can do as you advise, to login to each node without being
> prompted for a password. ?
> What I need to do. Help me.
> I run openmpi 1.2.9 supporting SGE (when I buil with --with-sge). I had
> tested to buil with 1.3. or 1.4. with this option I saw the error no
> recognize --with-sge. Why ? bug or ? While docs README shows that this is
> supported. I need this because I run SUN gridengine on may cluster. You have
> some ideals ?
> Thank you very much.
> Sincerely.
> HTCuoc
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <
>> wrote:
>> Yes, you need to install open mpi on all nodes and you need to be able to
>> login to each node without being prompted for a password.
>> Also, not that v1.2.7 is pretty ancient. If you're juist starting with
>> open mpi, can you upgrade to the latest version?
>> -jms
>> Sent from my PDA. No type good.
>> ------------------------------
>>  *From*: <>
>> *To*: <>
>> *Sent*: Wed Mar 31 03:39:08 2010
>> *Subject*: [OMPI users] Help om Openmpi
>> Dear all,
>> I had install my cluster which the configuration as following:
>> - headnode :
>>   + linux CenOS 5.4, 4 CPUs, 3G RAM
>>   + sun gridengine sge6.0u12. The headnode is admin and submit node too.
>>   + Openmpi 1.2.9. In the installation openmpi :.configure
>> --prefix=/opt/openmpi --with-sge ...Processes complilation and make was
>> fine.
>>   + I have 2 others nodes which confg. are: 4 CPU, 1 G RAM and on which
>> run sgeexecd.
>> Testing for SGE on headnode and nodes by qsub was fine.
>> When testing openmpi with as folowing:
>> [guser1@ioitg2 examples]$ /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 4 --hostfile
>> myhosts hello_cxx
>> Hello, world!  I am 0 of 4
>> Hello, world!  I am 1 of 4
>> Hello, world!  I am 3 of 4
>> Hello, world!  I am 2 of 4
>> [guser1@ioitg2 examples]$
>> The openmpi runs well.
>> My file myhosts:
>> slots=4
>> slots=4
>> slots=4
>> Now for more processes:
>> [guser1@ioitg2 examples]$ /opt/openmpi/bin/mpirun -np 6 --hostfile
>> myhosts hello_cxx
>>'s password:
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Failed to find the following executable:
>> Host:
>> Executable: hello_cxx
>> Cannot continue.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> mpirun noticed that job rank 0 with PID 19164 on node
>> exited on signal 15 (Terminated).
>> 3 additional processes aborted (not shown)
>> [guser1@ioitg2 examples]$
>> This is error massage. I was login on node1 successful.
>> PLS, Help me. What problems I have 9installation, configurations, ...).
>> Have I install openmpi on all nodes ?
>> Thank you very much and I am waitting your helps.
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