I'm afraid the bottom line is that OMPI simply doesn't support core-level 
allocations. I tried it on a slurm machine available to me, using our devel 
trunk as well as 1.4, with the same results.

Not sure why you are trying to run that way, but I'm afraid you can't do it 
with OMPI.

On Jul 6, 2010, at 3:20 PM, David Roundy wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:31 PM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> Thanks - that helps.
>> As you note, the issue is that OMPI doesn't support the core-level 
>> allocation options of slurm - never has, probably never will. What I found 
>> interesting, though, was that your envars don't anywhere indicate that this 
>> is what you requested. I don't see anything there that would case the daemon 
>> to crash.
>> So I'm left to guess that this is an issue where slurm doesn't like 
>> something OMPI does because it violates that core-level option. Can you add 
>> --display-devel-map to your mpirun command? It would be interesting to see 
>> where it thinks the daemon should go.
>> Just to check - the envars you sent in your other note came from the sbatch 
>> -c 2 run, yes?
> Yes indeed.
> Just for good measure, I'm attaching my current test script submit.sh
> and its complete output, also run with sbatch -c 2.  Oddly enough
> adding --display-devel-map doesn't cause mpirun to generate any output
> before crashing.  Does this give you any sort of a hint?  :(  Any
> other suggestions for tracking the source of this down? I'd really
> hoped you'd tell me that one of the env vars told you that my slurm
> config was messed up, since that would seem pretty easy to fix, once I
> knew how it was messed up...
> David
> <submit.sh><slurm-2833.out>_______________________________________________
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