Douglas Guptill wrote:
On Wed, Jul 07, 2010 at 12:37:54PM -0600, Ralph Castain wrote:

No....afraid not. Things work pretty well, but there are places
where things just don't mesh. Sub-node allocation in particular is
an issue as it implies binding, and slurm and ompi have conflicting

It all can get worked out, but we have limited time and nobody cares
enough to put in the effort. Slurm just isn't used enough to make it
worthwhile (too small an audience).

I am about to get my first HPC cluster (128 nodes), and was
considering slurm.  We do use MPI.

Should I be looking at Torque instead for a queue manager?

Hi Douglas

Yes, works like a charm along with OpenMPI.
I also have MVAPICH2 and MPICH2, no integration w/ Torque,
but no conflicts either.

My $0.02.
Gus Correa

Suggestions appreciated,

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