Ralph Castain <rhc <at> open-mpi.org> writes:

> This has come up before - I would suggest doing a quick search of "ec2" on our
user list. Here is one solution:
> On Jun 14, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Barnet Wagman wrote:I've put together a simple
system for running OMPI on EC2 (Amazon's cloud computing service).  If you're
interested, see 
> http://norbl.com/ppe-ompi.html

Thank you Barnet. We are using some scripts at the moment to easily configure
EC2 nodes with ompi. Will try this one. But this is to set up a network of Ompi
hosts within EC2, right? Does not support a client outside EC2 and the slaves
inside EC2?


> Barnet Wagman

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