El dl 18 de 06 de 2012 a les 10:56 -0400, en/na Jeff Squyres va
> On Jun 18, 2012, at 10:45 AM, Harald Servat wrote:
> > # $HOME/aplic/openmpi/1.6/bin/mpirun -np 1 -host
> > localhost ./init_barrier_fini : -x
> > LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/Computational/harald/aplic/openmpi/1.6/lib
> > -prefix /home/Computational/harald/aplic/openmpi/1.6/ -x
> > PATH=/home/Computational/harald/aplic/openmpi/1.6/bin -np 1 -host
> > M2 /home/Computational/harald/tests/mpi/multi-machine/init_barrier_fini
> Try without using the absolute pathname to mpirun -- it reacts differently if 
> you specify the absolute pathname vs. just "mpirun".
> Also, if you setup your .bashrc's right, then you don't need the -x 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH... clause.

Thank you Jeff. Now with the following commands starts, but it gets
blocked before starting. May be this problem of firewalls? Do I need
both that M1 and M2 can log into the other machine through ssh?

Thank you!

# mpirun -v -display-map -np 1 -host localhost ./init_barrier_fini : -np
1 -host
M2  /home/Computational/harald/tests/mpi/multi-machine/init_barrier_fini

 ========================   JOB MAP   ========================

 Data for node: M1      Num procs: 1
        Process OMPI jobid: [89,1] Process rank: 0

 Data for node: M2      Num procs: 1
        Process OMPI jobid: [89,1] Process rank: 1


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