Ah -- your plugins are all .a files.

How did you configure/build Open MPI?

On Feb 11, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Mark Bolstad <the.render.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's not just one plugin, it was about 6 of them. I just deleted the error 
> message from the others as I believed that opal_init was the problem.
> However, I have done a full build multiple times and have blown away all the 
> plugins and other remnants of the build and install and get the same results 
> every time.
> Here's the output from running ompi_info (same result with or w/o OPAL_PREFIX 
> are the same; LD_LIBRARY_PATH set; path points to both bin and lib directory 
> ):
> [bolstadm-lm3:~/papillon/build/src] bolstadm% ompi_info                       
>                    Package: Open MPI bolstadm@bolstadm-lm3 Distribution
>                 Open MPI: 1.6.3
>    Open MPI SVN revision: r27472
>    Open MPI release date: Oct 24, 2012
>                 Open RTE: 1.6.3
>    Open RTE SVN revision: r27472
>    Open RTE release date: Oct 24, 2012
>                     OPAL: 1.6.3
>        OPAL SVN revision: r27472
>        OPAL release date: Oct 24, 2012
>                  MPI API: 2.1
>             Ident string: 1.6.3
>                   Prefix: 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3
>  Configured architecture: x86_64-apple-darwin12.2.1
>           Configure host: bolstadm-lm3
>            Configured by: bolstadm
>            Configured on: Sun Feb 10 19:09:36 EST 2013
>           Configure host: bolstadm-lm3
>                 Built by: bolstadm
>                 Built on: Sun Feb 10 19:16:52 EST 2013
>               Built host: bolstadm-lm3
>               C bindings: yes
>             C++ bindings: yes
>       Fortran77 bindings: no
>       Fortran90 bindings: no
>  Fortran90 bindings size: na
>               C compiler: gcc
>      C compiler absolute: /usr/bin/gcc
>   C compiler family name: GNU
>       C compiler version: 4.2.1
>             C++ compiler: g++
>    C++ compiler absolute: /usr/bin/g++
>       Fortran77 compiler: gfortran
>   Fortran77 compiler abs: /usr/bin/gfortran
>       Fortran90 compiler: none
>   Fortran90 compiler abs: none
>              C profiling: yes
>            C++ profiling: yes
>      Fortran77 profiling: no
>      Fortran90 profiling: no
>           C++ exceptions: no
>           Thread support: posix (MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE: no, progress: no)
>            Sparse Groups: no
>   Internal debug support: no
>   MPI interface warnings: no
>      MPI parameter check: runtime
> Memory profiling support: no
> Memory debugging support: no
>          libltdl support: yes
>    Heterogeneous support: no
>  mpirun default --prefix: no
>          MPI I/O support: yes
>        MPI_WTIME support: gettimeofday
>      Symbol vis. support: yes
>    Host topology support: yes
>           MPI extensions: affinity example
>    FT Checkpoint support: no (checkpoint thread: no)
>      VampirTrace support: yes
>         MPI_MAX_INFO_KEY: 36
>         MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL: 256
>        MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME: 1024
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_paffinity_hwloc:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_carto_auto_detect:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_carto_file:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_shmem_mmap:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_shmem_posix:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_shmem_sysv:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_maffinity_first_use:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_maffinity_hwloc:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_sysinfo_darwin:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_errmgr_default:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_grpcomm_bad:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_grpcomm_basic:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ess_env:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ess_hnp:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ess_singleton:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ess_slave:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ess_slurm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ess_slurmd:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ess_tool:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_notifier_command:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_notifier_syslog:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_oob_tcp:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_odls_default:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_iof_hnp:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_iof_orted:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_iof_tool:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ras_cm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_ras_slurm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_rmaps_load_balance:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_rmaps_rank_file:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_rmaps_resilient:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_rmaps_round_robin:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_rmaps_seq:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_rmaps_topo:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_rml_oob:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_routed_binomial:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_routed_cm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_routed_direct:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_routed_linear:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_routed_radix:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_routed_slave:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_plm_rsh:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_plm_slurm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_filem_rsh:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_allocator_basic:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_allocator_bucket:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_coll_basic:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_coll_hierarch:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_coll_inter:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_coll_self:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_coll_sm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_coll_sync:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_coll_tuned:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_io_romio:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_rcache_vma:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_mpool_fake:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_mpool_rdma:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_mpool_sm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_bfo:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_cm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_csum:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_ob1:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_pml_v:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_osc_pt2pt:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_osc_rdma:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_self:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_sm:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_btl_tcp:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_topo_unity:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_pubsub_orte:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> [bolstadm-lm3:86426] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_dpm_orte:
>  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
>            MCA backtrace: execinfo (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.3)
>                MCA timer: darwin (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.3)
>          MCA installdirs: env (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.3)
>          MCA installdirs: config (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.3)
>                MCA hwloc: hwloc132 (MCA v2.0, API v2.0, Component v1.6.3)
> And here's an example of a plugin reported as an error:
> [bolstadm-lm3:~/papillon/build/src] bolstadm% l 
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_paffinity_hwloc*
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_paffinity_hwloc.a
> /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_paffinity_hwloc.la*
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 8:27 AM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com> 
> wrote:
> That's very idd; I cant think of why that would happen offhand. I build and 
> run all the time on ML with no problems. Can you deleted that plugin and run 
> ok?
> Sent from my phone. No type good.
> On Feb 10, 2013, at 10:22 PM, "Mark Bolstad" <the.render.d...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > I having some difficulties with building/running 1.6.3 on Mountain Lion 
> > (10.8.2). I build with no errors and install into a prefix directory. I get 
> > the following errors:
> > ...
> > [bolstadm-lm3:38486] mca: base: component_find: unable to open 
> > /Users/bolstadm/papillon/build/macosx-x86_64/Release/openmpi-1.6.3/lib/openmpi/mca_shmem_sysv:
> >  lt_dlerror() returned NULL! (ignored)
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > It looks like opal_init failed for some reason; your parallel process is
> > likely to abort.  There are many reasons that a parallel process can
> > fail during opal_init; some of which are due to configuration or
> > environment problems.  This failure appears to be an internal failure;
> > here's some additional information (which may only be relevant to an
> > Open MPI developer):
> >
> >   opal_shmem_base_select failed
> >   --> Returned value -1 instead of OPAL_SUCCESS
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > [bolstadm-lm3:38486] [[INVALID],INVALID] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file 
> > runtime/orte_init.c at line 79
> > [bolstadm-lm3:38486] [[INVALID],INVALID] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Error in file 
> > orterun.c at line 694
> >
> > combination and separately, and none of these seem to have much effect.
> >
> > So, I decided to try a straight build. The only option was 
> > --disable-mpi-f77. It installed into /usr/local. There is no other mpi 
> > version installed on the system, and I still get the same errors.
> >
> > However, I did install the version from MacPorts (also 1.6.3), and it works 
> > correctly.
> >
> > I would appreciate if anyone had some insight into building on OS X 10.8.
> >
> > Mark
> >
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Jeff Squyres
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