On Feb 11, 2013, at 3:41 PM, "Beatty, Daniel D CIV NAVAIR, 474300D" 
<daniel.bea...@navy.mil> wrote:

> The Intel+PPC is one issue.  However, even on Intel, there tends to be a
> distinction between Intel environments going from Xeon to Core iX
> environments. While Objective-C/C/C++ handle this well, the Fortran
> compilers have given me a different story over the years.  It tends to be
> the case that not all of the 64 bit compilations are not the same,
> especially with the Fortran compilers.  

I don't know if there are any Fortran compilers who create OS X universal 

> The second issue of the host files has to do with a defunct capability for
> example Xgrid.  It used to be that various Xgrid sites were reasonable
> sources of information with regards to MPI and one could get the recipes to
> equip either a cluster or grid environment.  Examples included TenGrid
> (http:/tengrid.com) , MacResearch ( http://www.macresearch.org), etc.  

I'm still not sure what you're asking here -- Xgrid is long dead.

> I hope that the new amount of data being collected at the open MPI site will
> facilitate both the mobile and data center variety of MPI alike.  

What data collection are you referring to?

> The beauty
> of mobility is the feature that the Mac, Windows, and potentially iOS, and
> Andriod platforms bring to the concept of MPI.  The cost is keeping track of
> when such devices come and go from such grids.

People have experimented with trying to do parallel computing on mobile 
devices, but power has always been a problem.

> I may had a misarticulated question with regards to the marshaling
> capabilities of MPI.  It may have improved since I last used MPI.  I know
> that there are standards bodies for MPI itself.  Therefore, I will need to
> check to see what changes have occurred.

MPI has datatypes, but they're not really the same thing as traditional 
marshaling/dynamic serializing.

Jeff Squyres
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